It's Show Time
The Calgary Fall Home Show kicks off today at the BMO Centre from Thursday, September 21 and runs right through to Sunday, September 24, with real advice, fresh inspiration and trusted local experts for every home improvement project. Don’t miss out on direct access to more than 650 of Calgary’s top home improvement, renovation and design experts of every kind, along with interactive workshops and free consultations with the pros.
With so much to see and do, make sure you have a game plan before you hit the BMO Centre. To help, we’ve created a must-see and do checklist of insider tips to help you make the most of your visit to the Calgary Fall Home Show. Read on!
Before you head down to the BMO Centre at Stampede Park to dig right into the details of your next home improvement or design project, be sure you have your Calgary Fall Home Show tickets in hand. Save yourself $3 (and some time!) by buying your tickets online, courtesy of RenovationFind.
Now that you’re set, find your way to the BMO Centre at Stampede Park (#20 Roundup Way SE, Calgary, AB). If you’re bringing your car and planning to do some shopping, parking at Stampede Park is $15.00 per car, or you can park at any auxiliary lots surrounding Stampede Park. Check out the Calgary Stampede Visitor Parking Map for more details. If you need more info on directions and the best spots to park, check out our Information Page.

You’re here! Now that you’ve arrived, it’s time to take in all that #CFHS17 has to offer. Don’t miss the talent and expert advice on the Urban Barn Main Stage presented by Calgary Herald, located in the Archie Boyce Theatre. Get expert advice straight from the industry’s top home improvement experts, including HGTV Canada’s Bryan Inc. star Bryan Baeumler, HGTV Canada’s Home to Win star Tiffany Pratt, Certified KonMari Consultant Helen Youn and a line-up of local favourites, plus more than 650 exhibitors and features designed to whip any home or garden into shape.
And PSST! Get a chance to meet Bryan and Tiffany after their presentations during their selfie sessions immediately following their presentations.
When: September 21 - 24, check out the full Fall Home Show Stage Schedule
Where: Urban Barn Main Stage presented by Calgary Herald, located in the Archie Boyce Theatre.

O Canada! Cozy up, chow down and cheers at the Canadiana Wine Lounge. Stocked with all-Canadian wines, cheeses and bites and adorned with true north-inspired style presented by Western Living and 98.5 Virgin Radio, and designed by WW Design Studio. Sit back with drink in hand, browse the newest issue of Western Living and relax — you may even be inspired to stay for another round or two! That’s right, grab a glass and check out the latest in home design to get you inspired for your next project. With a wide variety of Canadian wines to sip, you'll be celebrating Canada 150 into the fall.
Where: Hall C - Booth #869
Explore your senses and indulge in the creative process with Heart & Swirl's Interactive Art Workshops, and leave feeling refreshed and invigorated. Find a new hobby, uncover a new passion, meet some lovely like-minded people in a variety of exciting workshops, curated by Heart & Swirl and Outside the Shape, all while enjoying complimentary wine tastings and local food samples. From painting to bullet journaling and more, create your very own unique handcrafted home decor alongside Calgary's best artisans.
Workshops Include:
- Essential oils in your home by Lolly from Polypharmakon
- Milk painted mountain shelves by Needle & Pine
- Painted Wooden Paddles by Agnes In August
- Handmade Himmeli decor by Salvage + Bronzd
- Sew your own Mountain Pillow by Needle & Pine
- Heart & Swirl abstract canvas painting by Kelley, Jill & Kyla
Sign up for Workshops here.
Where: Hall B - Booth #533

Now that you’ve had a chance to snap a selfie with Bryan and Tiffany, created your very own unique handcrafted home decor and sipped on the best Canada has to offer, be sure to share it all on your social media! Follow along and share on Instagram and Twitter with @YYCHomeShows and #CFHS17.